Sunday, July 20, 2014

Spring Gardens in Westchester

The complexity of the garden in species diversity in Westchester County Landscaping allows color, form, texture and, with a little light, compositions to come together that are worth lingering over. 
Rhododendron, Hosta and Sensitive Fern

Here are two unusual late spring plants in my Village of Pleasantville garden, care to guess what they are?

Early and later Spring flowering plants in Westchester County gardens are compressed into short bloom period this season, instead of having a more drawn out and overlapping bloom sequence.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Deadheading Perennials

Coreopsis will continue to put out blooms, as will many other perennials, if deadheaded regularly, once a week with this plant. This will encourage production of new flower buds and more flowers. Visit here regularly for additional information from a Westchester Landscape Architect's unique perspective.  
Inspect the bud
Remove the old bud